Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 4 - Silver Spoon

This song is dark, and personal. Honestly I kind of don't want to share it. This is about a tragedy that hit my hometown this week.

What drives a man to commit such a horrible crime? The father of a very good friend of mine in high school was shot and killed. Four others were also targeted and killed, and then the shooter, as if his actions weren't full of sheer cowardice enough, shot and killed himself too. It's been constantly on my mind ever since I heard the news a few days ago.

I don't pretend to feel an ounce of pain compared to those of the families affected. As I say in the song, this pain isn't mine, just speaking my mind. I just can't fathom it.

The title "Silver Spoon" refers to the sick sense of entitlement the shooter must have had, thinking he had the right to take these lives and deprive so much from their surviving loved ones.

Lyrics after the jump.